A Time for Thanks

A Time for Thanks

Each year around this time we like to pause and be thankful for what the Lord has given us. We have many things in our life to be thankful for and I am reminded everyday when I wake up and am able to share experiences with my wife, kids and employees. We are healthy...
Asleep at the Wheel

Asleep at the Wheel

Put the GPS on and take a nap, read the paper, eat lunch and relax.  With technology ever changing in this world it is just a matter of time when we will be able to do field work from the office.  Self- driving tractors are only a few years away and soon they will...
Home Stretch

Home Stretch

When we start slinging pumpkins every day and the mornings are cool you sense we are on the home stretch for getting things out of the field.  We haven’t had to worry about a frost yet but it is sure to come.  This past week we started harvesting fall squash for...
Harvest Abundi

Harvest Abundi

Politicians make up words all the time so I thought I might as well throw one in there as well.  August has come and gone and I feel we didn’t even work up a sweat this year.  Cool and wet has me thinking this is going to be an early fall?  The old timers claim the...
Things Are Hopping

Things Are Hopping

Timely rains and cooler temps have kept the irrigators at a standstill.  We have yet to have to water too many things which is nice from the standpoint that Mother Nature is treating us well.  Everything in the field looks gorgeous and harvest has begun on certain...