Featured Employee:  Gisnei Borsatto

Featured Employee: Gisnei Borsatto

Employee Name:  Gisnei Borsatto Number of years of service at Pahl’s: 3 years previously & returned last year making it 1 year in August. Briefly describe your job duties at Pahl’s: There is not one specific duty or job as each day there are always new...
Sunny September

Sunny September

As Minnesotans we cherish our short summer months.  But if you are like me, there is just something about the way the months during the fall season feel.  The days are usually clear and sunny.  The temperatures are cool and refreshing.  Change is happening all around...
August is Cornalicious!

August is Cornalicious!

What do we love about August here at Pahl’s Market?  Our homegrown, mouth-watering sweet corn has matured and fills our corn table!  Let me sweeten that deal.  You can drive thru and our friendly staff will deliver your corn right to your car!  Sorry, no milk...
August Thunder

August Thunder

August is a busy time of the year with most items running at full steam.  With the recent rains we have hardly had to irrigate, but that is changing today as we are starting up three pivots.  Yields have been running well and quality is excellent.  As we get into our...
Featured Employee: Jake McGlocklin

Featured Employee: Jake McGlocklin

Employee Name: Jake McGlocklin Number of years of service at Pahl’s: First year Briefly describe your job duties at Pahl’s: Landscape Crew What is the most rewarding part of your job? Stepping back and seeing what you accomplished that day. Tell us about...