Showing all 8 results
Niagara Grape
$29.99 Size: 1Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistBluebell Grape
$39.99 Size: 2Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistEdelweiss Grape
$39.99 Size: 2Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistFrontenac Grape
$39.99 Size: 2Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistMarquette Grape
$39.99 Size: 2Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistValiant Grape
$39.99 Size: 2Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistItasca Grape
$39.99 Size: 2Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistNiagara Grape
$54.99 Size: 2Only Show HouseplantsCategoriesCategoriesSizeExposurePollinationSelf-fruitful(8)ColorsColorsHeightThriller Filler or SpillerDays to GerminationShapeVine(8)BrandsPottery Height (in)Pottery Width (in)Container TypeHangingDrop DownRain Garden PlantGood for CuttingDrought ResistanceAttracts ButterfliesMoistfragrantdeer