Pahl’s Market Featured Employee: Patti Carlisano

by | Feb 22, 2013 | Market News


Employee Name:  Patti Carlisano

Number of years of service at Pahl’s:
This will be my 11th season at Pahls.  I worked part time for many years and last year I finally quit my full time corporate job to come on board full time.  I love working at Pahls, I have great co-workers. It has been great working for the Pahl family. I think it’s awesome that I get to share my office with a golden retriever and Chex is always around at lunch-time.  Instead of having a window in my office wishing I could be outside, my office is outside, it’s great.

Briefly describe your job duties at Pahl’s:  I split my time between the business office and the market.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?
Helping our customer’s and seeing them get excited picking out flowers and planning their gardens. I enjoy the kids that come here to Pahls, especially during pumpkin season. They get so excited to pick out and weigh their pumpkins.  I watch little ones pick petals off the greenhouse floor and it always brings a smile to my face.

Tell us about your family……..
I come from a large Italian family we are very close and enjoy spending time together, usually gathered around food, we all love to cook.  My daughter Elizabeth has blessed me with two beautiful granddaughters Hailey and Madison. My girls bring joy to my life and keep me very busy and active.  They both love coming to the greenhouse to pick petals off the floor.  Hailey is showing an early love for gardening, which makes Grandma happy.

What is your favorite time of day/day of the week/month of the year? Why?  I am a morning person and that’s when I am most productive.  I love all of our seasons, they each bring something beautiful to enjoy, except winter.  I hate winter and I do not even like pretty snowfalls. I would rather be hot than cold, I will end up in the desert one of these days.

What is your favorite indoor/outdoor activity? 
I enjoy spending time at a water park or beach with my granddaughters in the summertime, I love having my fingers in the dirt gardening.  I enjoy a good meal with friends, sitting around a fire, and “girls” weekends with a good bottle wine and a lot of laughs. I am pretty crafty and enjoy making “stuff”, all my Christmas presents last year were home made.  Once the snow fly’s I am usually hunkered down trying to create something or cooking.

What is the farthest you have been away from home?  Tell us the most unique experience from that trip?
I enjoyed a trip to Alaska last summer with my sister.  It is truly America’s last frontier, it’s the most beautiful country I have ever seen and encourage everyone to get there.  My goal is to visit all of the US of A.  My friends keep trying to get me to get a passport and I know there are beautiful places to go internationally, however there are some pretty fabulous places right in our own back yard.

What are three things on your “Bucket List” ?
1. Own a plantation in Savannah.
2. Go surfing in Hawaii
3. Own my own business

What do you miss most about being a kid?
Simplicity and playing outside all day long until the dinner bell rang.

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
Surfing, I love everything about the water – fishing, boating, swimming, if it’s on the water I’ll love it.

What was the first thing you bought with your own money?
I am sure it was clothing of some kind.

If you could choose anyone, who would you pick to be your mentor? Why?  My mentor has always been my Father. He was given me sage advice all of my life.  He lives his life simply, honestly and loves his family immensely.

If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?
I would feed and clothe as many children in need as I could. And then if I had any money left, I would buy my plantation in Savannah.

Which celebrity do you get mistaken for?
I have never been mistaken for a celebrity.

What is your all time favorite movie?
Legends of the Fall, Braveheart

What song do you play the most often?
I love all genres of music, but I guess my favorite song is Into the Mystic by Van Morrison.

What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done?
There are two things that come to mind.  Hearing my Father tell me he had cancer and saying goodbye to my Grandmother.


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  1. Jackie Overom

    It is an honor to work with you, my friend. Your picture with the Grand daughters is perfect!!

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  2. Kitty Olsen

    We are so thrilled to read this! Your excellent personality, green thumb & love of cooking is a definite plus for Pahl’s Market! Looking forward to seeing you at the market & coming with L&M to Forest Lake. Garry & Kitty

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