Featured Employee: Will Dupont

by | Jul 6, 2016 | Market News

Employee Name:  Will DuPont

Number of years of service at Pahl’s:  This is my fourth year at Pahl’s

Briefly describe your job duties at Pahl’s:
I am part of the Market Support team at Pahl’s. I do anything from carryout duties, such as loading mulch and soil, to helping with service desk and register.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?
Most rewarding part of my job is just being able to help people. It’s always nice seeing someone thankful when you help them with their flowers or fountains

Tell us about your family.
I live with my mom Meghan, my Dad Mike, my younger sister Maggie, my younger brother Johnny and my two dogs Mac and Kevin.

What is your favorite time of of the year? Why?
My favorite part of the year is winter because I love being able to play hockey outside! Also, my birthday and Christmas are all in the same week.

What is your favorite indoor/outdoor activity?
My favorite activity is playing hockey in the winter. In the summer I love playing golf with my brother and my dad!

What is the farthest you have been away from home?
I have been to South America twice when we adopted my younger sister from Colombia and my younger brother from Guatemala. I don’t really remember much of it since I was so young, but the pictures from there make me want to visit those places again.

What are three things on your “Bucket List” ?

  1. Go to Peru because that’s where I’m adopted from.
  2. Go to a Stanley Cup Finals hockey game. (Hopefully for the Minnesota Wild)
  3. Have a nice house on a huge lake.

What do you miss most about being a kid?
Going on spring break trips to see my grandparents in Florida.

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
Learn how to play the guitar well.

What was the first thing you bought with your own money?
Food, probably something from McDonald’s or Wendy’s.

If you could choose anyone, who would you pick to be your mentor? Why?
My dad is my mentor because he is the hardest worker I know. He is also a very good husband to my mom and is always makes time for me and my younger siblings.

If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?
Buy a big house on the lake and a house in Marco Island, Florida

What is your all time favorite movie?
Miracle. I can easily quote that entire movie

What song do you play the most often?
I listen to any country music.

What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done?
 The hardest thing I have ever done is when I had to move into the dorms for my freshman year of college at UMD. It was tough not being with my family, but I got to see them soon and I loved my freshman year.


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1 Comment

  1. Mary

    Will waited on me last Saturday. Very helpful and cheerful. We hit is offtalking about the Packers and Kroll burgers. I liked him right away, and now I know why. He was born in the beautiful country of Peru, as was my son!


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