The fun starts now with the harvesting of all of our fruits and vegetables. All of our hard work has paid off and with a little luck we escaped some of the storms that have swept thru the area. The asparagus beds should be put to sleep and the rhubarb plants left to rejuvenate for next year. For the most part the strawberry season was a disaster with all the rain that was received right at the most optimal time for picking, but on the bright side the raspberry season is right around the corner. Our field crops are right on schedule; the start of July usually means we start harvesting cabbage and green beans. Sweet Corn is still a couple of weeks out, but it looks very nice. Cucumbers are expected around the 20th of July and Green Peppers towards the end of the month.
Disease pressure this year is heavier than most due to all the rain. One thing to keep in mind is the use of copper fungicides on a weekly basis to keep your veggies free of any plant diseases. Bacterial spot, anthracnose, powdery mildew and gummy stem blight are the most common in our area with the way the weather has been. It is best to start treatment before you can see anything, for once you discover it, it is usually too late. Pest pressure has been minimal so far, this is due to the heavy rains washing egg masses and larvae off the plant. Yes, heavy rains are good for some things. Hopefully your gardens are still weed free; remember you can still operate a hoe thru the summer months to ensure a weed free garden.
When harvesting your precious vegetables remember to handle the plants with care. Normally it takes two hands to pick and harvest. This ensures longevity of the plant thus the production increases and lasts all summer long. For all the herb gardens out there make sure you keep fertilizing them throughout the summer to keep them in full production. Happy Trails!
The Farmer