If you blinked you missed it this year. We went from wearing long johns to shorts in all of about a week. Crop progress is moving along quite well with the recent warm weather and the growing degree days are actually ahead of last year’s pace. Cabbage is looking awesome and the first sweet corn is nearly a foot tall. We started side dressing with nitrogen this week and will continue for the next couple of months as the sweet corn plantings warrant the need. We apply starter fertilizer when we plant and then come back with 28 percent nitrogen in between the rows to continue to feed the plants.
Our peppers look really nice and so do the cucumbers; we started planting winter squash this past week and pumpkins will be planted as soon as the ground dry’s out from the 1.6 inches of rain that we received these past couple of days. All in all things are shaping up to look pretty good. I can’t believe a farmer just said that! Amen.