Featured Employee:  Vanessa Garske

Featured Employee: Vanessa Garske

Employee Name:  Vanessa Garske Number of years of service at Pahl’s: 1 ½ years Briefly describe your job duties at Pahl’s: I work at the customer service desk and help with questions, plants and anything in between. What is the most rewarding part of your job? Seeing...
Spring Into Color

Spring Into Color

content provided by Monrovia A bouquet in the making. That’s the promise of big, billowing, blooming perennial borders such as this one that features three bullet-proof plants: peonies, lady’s mantle, and cranesbill geranium. While the peonies are a short but joyful...
Early Blooming, Cold Hardy, Pollinator Magnets

Early Blooming, Cold Hardy, Pollinator Magnets

content provided by Monrovia Spring has sprung in many parts of the country, and hungry pollinators are on the wing, looking for food.  Just as we need meals to fuel us throughout the day, pollinators need food throughout the seasons.  From the moment, they wake up in...
Winter Thrills:  Red-Stemmed Dogwood

Winter Thrills: Red-Stemmed Dogwood

content provided by Monrovia What’s that stand of bright red branches poking out of the snow? It’s one of the lesser known winter thrills, dogwood shrubs with fiery stems. While it’s safe to say that dogwoods are beautiful all four seasons (summer flowers/fall...
Market News

Market News

It might not feel like it outside, but things are heating up here at Pahl’s Market!  New spring décor is arriving daily, our seeds for the 2017 season are in and we are stocked with birdseed, firewood and straw bales.  It won’t be much longer until we fire up the...