April showers bring May flowers! At least that’s what they claim but who knows what is going to happen this year. I always like to look at the 7 day forecast each morning and see what the weather is like, mostly because I want to know if I should wear shorts or not. Unfortunately, it is not looking so good and it is tough to believe that spring is here and that this April is going to get us thinking flowers. Fortunately for you loyal Pahl’s Market customers, we have you covered as we have things covered with our greenhouses. Every day we get to come into work knowing that it is going to be at least 68 degrees and hopefully with a hint of sun. We try not to get it any warmer than that because we want to keep our plants as compact as possible. A happy 68 degrees, we have found, helps do this and come May when you are ready to buy them they won’t be leggy or stretchy.
We were extremely busy in the month of March as to be expected. Moss Basket Days are done and all the plantings are safely tucked away. They have already started to fill out and are progressing nicely. After Moss Basket Days we have all the left over plugs and need to find ways to use them in order to stay on time with our planting schedule. Roughly one thousand 12” mixed patio tubs were planted along with several hundred hanging baskets. If you want something that will look great all year and doesn’t require a lot of upfront effort or thinking then these plantings are for you. If you like to go the more traditional route and design your own pot or flower bed no need to worry, we offer a huge selection of individual 4.5” pots that will help you get your gardens into tip top shape. There are several new additions to the family this year including an African Daisy, which is much like an Osteospermum but it is able to take those harsh, hot, sunny areas while still providing a large daisy looking flower. We also have Alternanthera in two colors. This plant is has a nice mounding foliage that is a great filler for container plants or even in your flower beds. Alternanthera is also very heat tolerant so no need to worry about those south facing exposed spots.
We are hoping that the weather will cooperate and that we should be able to start to feel spring soon. Don’t forget that Pahl’s does offer some cold hardy plants such as pansies and violas. These plants are able to give you that great spring color while taking some colder temperatures. It’s usually safe to leave them outside in 40 degree weather, or even a little colder, but bringing them in the garage would be the safer option. These are available in our greenhouse now. Also don’t forget that our Spring Open House is April 21st! Feel free to stop on in before then and just walk our greenhouses to get a taste of spring, a warm 68 degrees is hard to beat.