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Emerald Ash Borer

by | Mar 3, 2016 | Landscaping, Resources, Market News

(the bark of the tree in the above photo had been cut away to show the emerald ash borer S channels)

Last month we told you that the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) had arrived in our area. After attending a seminar put on by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, there is a little more information that we want to share with you.  Unfortunately, it is not good news. By the time the average homeowner realizes that their tree is in trouble, the EAB could have been present and established for up to five years.  Treatment at this time would not be advised.  Quarantines are enacted with the assumption that the infestation is spread beyond what is seen.

EAB blondingThe Emerald Ash Borer will start at the top of the ash tree and slowly move down the tree. The insect itself is very difficult to see.  It would be better to remove the infested tree and plant a different variety of tree to replace it.  It was recommended by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture to remove the tree during its dormant period.  In our area that would be BEFORE May 1st or AFTER October 1st.  If the tree is cut between May 1st and October 1st , adults may be released during transportation into previously un-infected areas.


Everyone’s situation will be different and there are options that we can discuss with you.

-Remove the infested tree
-Treat the infested tree
-Plant a new tree variety to replace the ash tree
-Treat the infested tree but also plant a new tree to get a head start if it does not survive

If your choice it to treat the infested tree we carry a product called Bonide Annual Tree and Shrub Insect Control. The active ingredient in this product is Imidacloprid.  We have a 32 fluid ounce sizeBonide concentrate for $21.99 and also a 126 fluid ounce size concentrate for $49.99. For the best results, it should be applied before you see any insect damage. It can take anywhere from one week to three months to be taken up by the tree depending on its size and vigor.  It can be applied any time though, during early spring to early fall.  If the ground is saturated or frozen, the product will not be able to move into the root zone easily.

It is very easy to apply. You simply mix the product with water and apply it at the base of the tree you want to protect.  The product then moves through the soil into the root zone and is taken up by the tree.  This will protect your tree from the EAB.  It will also provide protection to the new tree growth that occurs.  It cannot be washed off by rain or water as it is a systemic product. Bonide Annual Tree and Shrub Insect Control will protect your tree for one full year.

Our staff is knowledgeable on the Emerald Ash Borer and we are here to help you decide if you should remove the tree or try and save it. We also have a number of reference guides from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture to help you recognize symptoms of EAB infestation and keep an eye on the trees in your neighborhood.  Please stop in the market and pick one up today.


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