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Wrapping it Up!

by | Nov 3, 2015 | Market News

As the fall season is coming to a close there are a number of important things that need to be done before you can break out the scotch bottle.

  1.  Fertility check, no need to go to the doctor for this one.  During the course of the year we make notes on problem areas found within the fields that are harvested and make sure we diagnose what caused a certain issue.  It could be a compaction issue, soil management issue or an insect issue.  If it is a soil management issue we would take soil samples of the ground or tissue samples of the plants to determine what can be done for next year.  If it is a soil compaction problem we might take the ripper over that part of the field twice to break up the hard pan 18 inches below the surface.  Insect issues are diagnosed at the particular time of discovery.  Here we look for different pests in the soil or weather issues that might have caused a certain outbreak by a pest.
  2. Winterize all irrigation systems and sprayers so they do not freeze up over the cold months!
  3. Re- evaluate your variety selections from this past year to see if they fit into your program.
  4. Put everything away clean and make sure it is field ready for next year.  If it is not, put it in a spot that it can be pulled out and worked on during the winter months.
  5. Determine what went right and what changes you need to make for a better next year.
  6. Kiss your wife and tell her thank you and I love you for putting up with all the B.S. that happened this past year.
  7. Pour the scotch.  Amen.


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