Featured Employee:  Jack Pahl

Featured Employee: Jack Pahl

Employee Name:  Jack Pahl Number of years of service at Pahl’s: 10 years Briefly describe your job duties at Pahl’s: I have several duties, all of which vary from season to season. During early spring I take part in planting flowers with the staff as well...
Featured Employee:  Mike Kirsch

Featured Employee: Mike Kirsch

Employee Name: Mike Kirsch Number of years of service at Pahl’s: I have been working for Pahl’s for one year. Briefly describe your job duties at Pahl’s: Meet with the customer to come up with a design that best suits their needs. I also work and...
Featured Employee:  Jorge Salinas Escareno

Featured Employee: Jorge Salinas Escareno

Employee Name:  Jorge Salinas Escareno Number of years of service at Pahl’s: 16 Years Briefly describe your job duties at Pahl’s: Prepare and plant seeds in the fields.  Maintain, operate and clean mechanical equipment and farm machinery.  Supervise crew...