Pahl’s Market Featured Employee: Jane Pahl

Employee Name:  Jane Pahl Number of years at service at Pahl’s:  25 years Briefly describe your job duties at Pahl’s:  First I just want to say that when I came into this family business as the “out law” I was told by Grandma Pahl “Don’t learn any job that you don’t...

Pahl’s Market Featured Employee: David Schreier

Employee Name:  David Schreier Numbers of years at Pahl’s:  Nine Briefly describe your duties at Pahl’s:  I was hired to help customers in the selection, care and maintenance of the tree and shrub varieties we offer.  I also help customers select perennial plant...
Pahl’s Market Featured Employee: Elizabeth Rau

Pahl’s Market Featured Employee: Elizabeth Rau

Employee Name:  Elizabeth Rau Number of years of service at Pahl’s: 11 Briefly describe your job duties at Pahl’s:  I work in the Landscape department doing design, consults and anything else that gets tossed my way. What is the most rewarding part of your job?  They...

Pahl’s Featured Employee: Gary Pahl

  Employee Name:   Gary Pahl Number of years of Service at Pahl’s:   45 Briefly describe your job duties at Pahl’s:   Read last month’s newsletter, agronomist, accountant, laborer, attorney, salesman, ambassador for the industry, truck driver, entomologist, boss and...

Pahl’s Market Featured Employee: Jay Powell

Employee Name: Jay Powell Number of years of Service at Pahl’s: 9 years Briefly describe your job duties at Pahl’s: I am a Tree and Shrub Specialist.  I work closely with our customers during sales and other services.  I answer many questions and identify many pest,...