by Pahl's Landscaping | Sep 28, 2015 | Market News, Landscaping
Fall is an excellent time to plant trees, shrubs, perennials, spring blooming bulbs and turfgrass. Our incredible Fall season here in Minnesota has many planting benefits. One big benefit is the cooler temperatures which are easier on plant material as well as the...
by David Schreier | Sep 21, 2015 | Market News
Abies concolor ‘Candicans’ the Bluest of the Blue It is not often we see Firs, the common name for the genus Abies, a hardy evergreen tree of the Pine Family, growing in the landscape throughout our area. Firs are generally conical in shape and of...
by David Schreier | Aug 3, 2015 | Market News
An ornamental tree or shrub is defined as having a desired characteristic that adds color from flower, foliage or fruit, good texture from leaves or bark, or seasonal interest. Ornamental trees are usually smaller in size than shade trees and fulfill an important...
by David Schreier | May 6, 2015 | Market News
A New Maple for Minnesota Maples have long been favorite choices for shade and ornament, but in the past gardeners were limited almost to tall-growing species. Today, a broad selection is available to the public. One of the most recent varieties available is the...
by Jackie Overom | Aug 1, 2014 | Market News
August is the month to sit in the shade with a glass of ice tea and observe the mature garden you have brought to life again this year. Gardens are amazing as they change and grow all summer. A few of my favorite long blooming perennials are now in full swing. ...