Kohlrabi or Beets

Kohlrabi or Beets

In this week’s share you will receive either kohlrabi or beets. Kohlrabi is a close relative of broccoli; it resembles a root vegetable but actually the edible globe is the modified swollen stem.  The edible leaves jut from the globe portion of the kohlrabi.  It...
Butternut Squash

Butternut Squash

Butternut squash is an excellent source of vitamins A and C and some of the B vitamins.  It is also a great source of fiber, potassium, and magnesium.  It is fat free, cholesterol free and sodium free.  It has a rich golden-yellow flesh with an excellent smooth...
Buttercup Squash

Buttercup Squash

One of the most popular winter squash varieties, buttercup squash has a sweet and creamy orange flesh.  Containing more than 200% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin A, it is also high in vitamins C and B.  An added benefit is that buttercup squash is an...