by Tim Bartholomew | Oct 5, 2018 | Market News
You may get lucky and get a kiss from your sweetheart, but if you want to plant the new University of Minnesota apple you may have to wait until the year 2034. This is when the patent on the tree expires. Like the SweeTango apple, First Kiss is a contract apple...
by David Schreier | Sep 30, 2016 | Market News
Of all the fruits the apple has developed the largest number of varieties, American lists totaling more than 2,500 and European countless others, with new ones being introduced annually. More than 7,500 apple varieties are grown throughout the world. Of the domestic...
by David Schreier | Oct 3, 2015 | Market News
A New Summer Apple for Kids A new variety of dessert apple developed by David MacGregor of Fairhaven Farms located at South Haven, Wright County, Minnesota, is now available to consumers. ‘Kinderkrisp’ is an open pollinated seedling of...
by David Schreier | Oct 1, 2014 | Market News
‘Honeygold’ a Sweet Culinary and Dessert Apple Many of our customers have included dwarf fruit trees in their landscape plans since fruit trees do double duty as producers of food while adding beauty to the surroundings, even on small lots where every...