by Pahl's Market | Mar 29, 2010 | Ask Pahl's Market, Market News, Resources
Dear Dee, How do I know which shrubs or trees will grow near pine trees? Do I look for plants that prefer acid soil? Are other evergreens a safe bet? Thanks for your help! Dear Nancy, The soil around and under pine trees is more acidic so finding plants that thrive in...
by Pahl's Market | Mar 29, 2010 | Ask Pahl's Market, Market News, Resources
Hi! I purchased a Ruby Spice Summersweet this past summer. Does this need to be cut for the winter? I do not know anything about these plants and I want to be able to do what needs to be done to keep it the way it needs to be. I also purchased a Rose of Sharon and 2...
by Pahl's Market | Mar 10, 2010 | Resources, Ask Pahl's Market, Market News
I mulched over the winter with leaves. I read that leaves are good for the soil, so should I leave them on the ground and them cover them with my wood chip mulch, or rake them out and dispose of them? Dear Janelle, You can top dress with wood chip mulch or remove the...