by Tim Bartholomew | Nov 6, 2018 | Landscaping, Market News
Here at Pahl’s Market we get a lot of calls this time of year about how to protect roses. Ninety percent of the roses we sell are Easy Elegance, below is an article (content provided by Easy Elegance) on what to do with roses to protect them through the winter...
by Tim Bartholomew | Oct 5, 2018 | Market News
You may get lucky and get a kiss from your sweetheart, but if you want to plant the new University of Minnesota apple you may have to wait until the year 2034. This is when the patent on the tree expires. Like the SweeTango apple, First Kiss is a contract apple...
by Tim Bartholomew | Aug 7, 2018 | Market News
The trend for breeding smaller plants continues with Baby Lace Hydrangea. It is an all pop Hydrangea with creamy white, cone-shaped flowers. Its flowers are similarly shaped like Limelight Hydrangea but differ as it is a 4 x 4 compact plant. Baby Lace Hydrangea was...
by Tim Bartholomew | Jul 6, 2018 | Market News
content provide by Bailey Nurseries Bailey’s final feature for National Rose Month last month was the velvety dark red Kashmir Rose. Each full 3″ bloom resembles a hybrid tea, that just begs to be cut and shown off in a vase. A recurrent bloomer, Kashmir...
by Tim Bartholomew | Jun 1, 2018 | Market News
content provided by Monrovia This season we’re introducing Seaside Serenade, a new series of six remarkable hydrangeas with truly notable improvements that make the classics you already love, even better. In working with breeders to create these new hydrangeas, our...