Are Tree Roots Killing Your Lawn?

Are Tree Roots Killing Your Lawn?

Trees are a great addition to your landscape, they provide great color, texture, shade and can add value to your home. They may also have some effects on your turf, landscape beds, retaining walls, sidewalks and driveways. As your tree grows and the root systems get...
Emerald Ash Borer

Emerald Ash Borer

(the bark of the tree in the above photo had been cut away to show the emerald ash borer S channels) Last month we told you that the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) had arrived in our area. After attending a seminar put on by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, there is...

Preparing Plants for the Long Winters Nap

By Ted Maro Last winter was an exceptionally dry one when it comes to snow amounts. It was a great winter for the non snow lover. On the other hand, the lack of snow, cold temperatures, windy and bright sunny days caused a great deal of winter damage to plants. Some...