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Behind the Scenes

Ever wonder what goes into getting ready for the CSA deliveries?  Over the course of the season we will give you a glimpse into what goes on behind the scenes in each department here at Pahl’s while preparing for the weekly CSA deliveries.  This “Behind...


The oldest member of the cabbage family, kale is among the earliest cultivated and was a favorite vegetable in ancient Rome.  It is a powerhouse vegetable, very rich in vitamins A, C, and the mineral calcium.  It is also high in the B vitamins.  Kale is the highest in...
Green Bell Peppers

Green Bell Peppers

Peppers contain high levels of vitamins A, C, and E and most varieties include the minerals iron and potassium.  Refrigerate unwashed in a refrigerator hydrator drawer for 1-2 weeks.   Eating them raw, added to a veggie tray, sliced in a salad, or as part of a...


Eaten in almost every country in the world, cabbage is one of the most versatile vegetables available.  It adapts to many climates and altitudes.  Composed of 90% water, it holds a significant amount of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins A and C, calcium,...