What is Winter Burn?

What is Winter Burn?

Now that snow is starting to melt, you may begin to notice the damage old man winter left behind on your evergreens. Minnesota is notorious for being tough on landscape plants. Your evergreen plants may have brown to rust colored damaged areas where the needles appear...
Color Me Fall

Color Me Fall

Summer has ended and the first days of fall are upon us.  I totally love this time of year!  As I look out over my yard and gardens, I realize there is much work to be done yet to keep my landscape healthy for the upcoming spring season. Fall brings with it glorious...
Butterfly and Hummingbird Garden

Butterfly and Hummingbird Garden

Time is winding down and the days of warm temps are slipping away. You have an idea to attract hummingbirds and butterflies to your yard. Currently, the plan only exists in your head. Where should you start? What attracts them and what do they eat?  Do you need a...
Art in the Garden

Art in the Garden

The day is warm, there is a light breeze, and the moisture from the overnight rain has perked up your lawn and plants. You sit on your patio relaxing and having your morning cup of coffee. Over the past few years you have planted some plants in the yard and had the...