Green Tomatoes

Green Tomatoes

Are green tomatoes new to you? Wondering if they are as nutritious as the more familiar red ones? Indeed they are . . . green tomatoes contain vitamins A, C, and K, the B-complex vitamins and antioxidants, as well as iron, phosphorus, and other minerals. Green...
Cooking Herbs

Cooking Herbs

This week’s share will include a cooking herb, such as oregano, thyme, or parsley. OREGANO One of the most popular herbs used to flavor spaghetti sauce, lasagna, and of course, pizza, oregano has a distinct fragrance and aroma.  It is also used in the...


This week’s share will include an herb, either sage or chives, ready to use in your favorite recipes. One of the recipes in this week’s newsletter includes sage, among the other ingredients.  And of course, chives can be used when you prepare your Yukon...
Roma Tomatoes

Roma Tomatoes

Roma tomatoes are in the class of plum or paste tomatoes.  This variety of tomato typically has a meaty flesh, few seeds, and is less juicy than other tomatoes, which makes them ideal for salsas and cooking down into a tomato sauce or paste. Their shape is an...


One of the most popular herbs used to flavor spaghetti sauce, lasagna, and of course, pizza, oregano has a distinct fragrance and aroma.  It is also used in the preparation of chicken, fish, soups, omelettes, sauces, and pickling.  Try adding fresh chopped oregano...