Pahl’s Plants of the Month – September

Pahl’s Plants of the Month – September

By Jackie Overom The Dwarf Burning Bush is a wonderful shrub hardy in our zone 4 climate.  It grows in height to 5-6 feet and is 5-8 feet wide when mature.  A very drought tolerant shrub that can be planted in the sun to light shade.  Use it for borders, accents, or...

Sweet Yummy Summertime

By Chris Kaufenberg Summer brings produce season to Pahl’s Market!  Sweet corn and peppers and beans, oh my!  With over 1000 acres of farmland we always have an assortment of fresh picked homegrown vegetables available in the market.  Summertime sweet fresh fruit...

All in a day’s work

By Gary Pahl 4:15AM: My alarm goes off  5:00AM: I say hi to Pete and Laura at Holiday Gas station.  After that, I radio my brother, Brian, for our morning chat.  Brian has already been up for a couple of hours and has begun picking corn.  He has to have enough picked...


 By Ted Maro Planting fruit in the landscape can add a splash of color, textural changes and simply a tasty treat for the homeowner. The fruit from your plants just may be better quality than your local grocery store. The types of plants can range from vines, bushes,...

“Corn and More”

By Jackie Overom As summer heat rises and we begin to harvest the vegetables we have nurtured, our favorite recipes will be enjoyed once again. Fresh produce is truly a summer delight. We would love to share a few of our favorite recipes with you. We are a fifth...