Featured Employee:  Pat McCormick

Featured Employee: Pat McCormick

Employee Name:  Pat McCormick Number of years of service at Pahls:  3 Years Briefly describe your job duties at Pahl’s: Market Support – I mainly deal with the non-plant stuff (Pottery, Fountains, Statuary, etc.) I’m also the handyman for the Market What is the most...
Featured Employee:  Tim Bartholomew (Bart)

Featured Employee: Tim Bartholomew (Bart)

Employee Name: Timothy Dale Bartholomew (Bart) Number of Years of service at Pahl’s: 6 Years but have been in the business for over 25 years. Briefly describe your duties at Pahl’s: My Title is Nursery Manager but like my name sake Bartholomew, I wear a lot of hats; ...

Pahl’s Market Featured Employee: Mary Winum

Employee Name:  Mary Winum Number of years of service at Pahl’s:  25 years Briefly describe your job duties at Pahl’s:  My duties have always been to give the very best “service” I can to each and every person that comes thru the doors of our greenhouse. What is the...

Pahl’s Market Featured Employee: Terry Hennes

Employee Name:  Terry Hennes Number of years of service at Pahl’s:  6 Briefly describe your job duties at Pahl’s:  Technician, I am the “shop guy”.  I oversee any and all, if possible, mechanical situations as they evolve or arrive.  Oversee safety and security of...