by Pahl's Market | Apr 20, 2015 | Market News
It is time to start thinking about your lawn. Now available at Pahl’s, the Bonide 4-Phase Fertilizer Program: Crabgrass Pre Emergent: This product controls more than just crabgrass; it will control 32 different grassy and broadleaf weeds. This product will...
by Jackie Overom | Oct 29, 2012 | Market News
By Ted Maro Last winter was an exceptionally dry one when it comes to snow amounts. It was a great winter for the non snow lover. On the other hand, the lack of snow, cold temperatures, windy and bright sunny days caused a great deal of winter damage to plants. Some...
by Pahl's Market | Oct 25, 2010 | Market News
Pots Don’t leave any soil in pot. There is enough moisture in soil that pots can crack, even in the garage. Flip pots. Birdbaths Drain water. Clean with stiff bristled brush, let dry, & cover. You can alos flip over or put in the garage. Fountains Drain...
by Pahl's Market | Oct 21, 2010 | Market News
Fertilization If there is only one time you can fertilize your lawn, Fall is the optimal time. Soil temperatures are still warm, and grass plants are taking in nutrients and storing them as energy for next Springs new roots and shoots. Weed Control Broadleaf weed...
by Pahl's Market | Oct 6, 2010 | Market News, Ask Pahl's Market, Resources
Here are some suggestions: 1. Cut back Perennials after a hard freeze. 2. Remove any diseased plants & dispose in yard waste – not compost. 3. Clean up any leaves & debris. 4. Water until ground is frozen. 5. Mulch new plants after the ground...