Featured Employee:  Leticia Motta

Featured Employee: Leticia Motta

Employee Name:  Leticia Motta Number of years of service at Pahl’s:   6 months Briefly describe your job duties at Pahl’s: In the spring I have been planting flowers and taking care of them as well. In the summer I have been packing vegetables and I help in the...
Market News

Market News

Events Pahl’s Kernel Days – Saturday, August 19th from 9am to 5pm Join us for our annual customer appreciation celebration, vegetable style!  We will offer tremendous savings with price tags of $1.00 on a variety of farm fresh produce.  Not to miss is fresh...
Featured Employee:  Marcella Galeni

Featured Employee: Marcella Galeni

Employee Name:  Marcella Galeni Number of years of service at Pahl’s:  6 months Briefly describe your job duties at Pahl’s: In the spring I’ve been planting flowers and taking care of them as well. In the summer I’ve been packing vegetables and I help in the...
Stay Up To Date On All The Latest Dirt!

Stay Up To Date On All The Latest Dirt!

The best way to get all the latest dirt from Pahl’s Market is to ‘LIKE’ us on Facebook and keep us in your news feed by commenting, sharing and reacting to our photos and posts!  You will find daily plant insights, gardening tips & tricks, notification of our...
Cool and the Gang

Cool and the Gang

No, not the band from back in the 70’s or 80’s.  But the ground temperatures and what comes with it.  Last week down at the Vermillion elevator there is a group of guys that sit around for coffee and doughnuts every morning and look at the temps and talk smart.  They...