Featured Employee:  Marsha Zisler

Featured Employee: Marsha Zisler

Employee Name:  Marsha Zisler Number of years of service at Pahl’s: This is my 11th Spring! Briefly describe your job duties at Pahl’s: I work in the greenhouse helping our customers with their selections.  Some customers have challenges (lighting or flower...
Spring is Upon Us

Spring is Upon Us

Holy Cow!  I feel like Harey Carey the old Chicago Cubs announcer.  What a month.  If you had a bar of soap you could have taken a shower outside almost every day and not missed a beat.  Spring is upon us yet I am still wearing my long johns.  We are definitely...
Featured Employee:  Vanessa Garske

Featured Employee: Vanessa Garske

Employee Name:  Vanessa Garske Number of years of service at Pahl’s: 1 ½ years Briefly describe your job duties at Pahl’s: I work at the customer service desk and help with questions, plants and anything in between. What is the most rewarding part of your job? Seeing...
Miraculous Changes

Miraculous Changes

As the old wise man says “April showers bring May flowers” and he might just be right. It’s a cold rainy morning as I write this April Newsletter, and with a lot of work ahead of ourselves we are ready for the weather to change gears and warm up a little. April is...
Crank It Up

Crank It Up

Seventy –Eight years ago my dad was 6 years old and had to learn how to crank their brand new A-Farmall.  It was the first gas powered tractor of the family and the end of the team of horses, the year was 1939.  Grandma and Grandpa were proud and confident to take the...