It’s hard to believe, but the last CSA week is upon us. What a beautiful few days we’ve had and they happen to fall on the last CSA share week! As I write this article, I am waiting in line at the mill to drop off the second to the last load of field corn for the year, another season that will be ending this week. I can’t believe it’s November 3rd and pushing 70 degrees! Mother Nature is smiling on us and you can’t help but wonder if it happened on purpose to end our season on a beautiful note! I want to personally, and on behalf of all of us here at Pahl Farms, thank every one of our CSA shareholders for joining us on this CSA journey this season. I have enjoyed every second of it, from tillage to harvest, packing and delivery, and the pleasure of meeting some of you shareholders on numerous occasions. Let’s enjoy this wonderful weather while it lasts and here is to a great last CSA share week!
-Cole Moldenhauer