Annual suggestions

Dear Joyce, I want to plant a mass grouping of canna’s, what annuals could I plant around them besides marigolds?? Joyce Cannas are such stately plants they can overwhelm any thing planted with them.  You might consider making your Canna bed a three tier planting,...

Planter suggestions

Hello, What type of annuals would you suggest to plant in a 3 tier planter with 24, 12 and 7 inch diameters. The planter is located where it would receive morning sun and is placed by the front door. Thank you, Lisa Knepper Dear Lisa, There are numerous colorful and...

How is deadheading done?

How is deadheading done? Dear Jerri, Deadheading is the removal of spent blooms of annuals and perennials.  It is done to encourage rebloom and prevent or postpone the development of seed.  To deadhead  a plant you should remove the spent bloom and as much of the...