Featured Employee:  Chloe Batta

Featured Employee: Chloe Batta

Employee Name:  Chloe Batta Number of years of service at Pahl’s: 3 years Briefly describe your job duties at Pahl’s: I am one of the lovely service desk ladies so I ring people up as well as do returns, exchanges, landscape payments, invoice, etc. What is the most...
Featured Employee:  Will Dupont

Featured Employee: Will Dupont

Employee Name:  Will DuPont Number of years of service at Pahl’s:  This is my fourth year at Pahl’s Briefly describe your job duties at Pahl’s: I am part of the Market Support team at Pahl’s. I do anything from carryout duties, such as loading mulch and soil, to...
Featured Employee:  Alex Baertsch

Featured Employee: Alex Baertsch

Employee Name:  Alex Baertsch Number of years of service at Pahl’s:  3 years Briefly describe your job duties at Pahl’s: I work at the Customer Service Desk, ringing up customers, answering the phone, and making sure customers find what they are looking for! What is...
Featured Employee:  Brenda Alreck

Featured Employee: Brenda Alreck

Employee Name:  Brenda Alreck Number of years of service at Pahl’s: 3 years plus 12 years ago before traveling baseball interfered with playing with flowers! Briefly describe your job duties at Pahl’s: Customer service, greenhouse (fave!), and some designing. What is...
Featured Employee:  Chris Kaufenberg

Featured Employee: Chris Kaufenberg

Employee Name: Chris Kaufenberg Number of years of service at Pahl’s: 12 Briefly describe your job duties at Pahl’s: Customer service What is the most rewarding part of your job? Too many rewards to list here in this short space, but the fact that I can wear jeans and...