News From the Farmer
Can we all agree that we have had our fill of this hot and humid weather already? While it may be good for plant growth, it sure can take its toll on moral out in the field during harvest time! It was very rewarding to see so many of you out at our pea field over the past couple weeks. I was able to stop and meet a few of you throughout those days when I was between tillage, planting and harvesting, and it was great to meet many of whom I am writing to now. I hope you got your fill of peas and were able to freeze some for later in the year, it was a great crop and the peas tasted great. Things are progressing nicely around the farm and the weeks seem to go faster and faster. I guess what they say is true, “time flies when you are having fun”. Soon we will begin harvesting cucumbers and corn is about 10 days out. Green bean harvesting is in full swing and our first pepper crop is just around the corner. Enjoy the weather and have another awesome share week!
-Cole Moldenhauer