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A welcome addition to our salads of early spring greens, radishes offer us a splash of color and zest.  Although the radish root is 94 percent water and of modest nutritional value, it does provide a small amount of minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium,...


The oldest member of the cabbage family, kale is among the earliest cultivated and was a favorite vegetable in ancient Rome.  It is a powerhouse vegetable, very rich in vitamins A, C, and the mineral calcium.  It is also high in the B vitamins.  Kale is the highest in...
News from the Farmer

News from the Farmer

Happy August! It’s hard to believe how fast the season is progressing! It’s an early morning out in the CSA field with my crew, harvesting beets, radishes, kale and onions. Early mornings with dew on the ground, a new sunrise on the horizon and the harvest...
The Best Kale Salad

The Best Kale Salad

This recipe was found on the Allrecipes.com website. It was shared by Alli Shircliff, who makes it often for her friends, as it’s a perennial favorite! Prep time: 20 minutes Ready in: 30 minutes Ingredients: 1 bunch Kale, ribs discarded and leaves cut into thin...
Grilled Beets with Feta Cheese

Grilled Beets with Feta Cheese

At this time of year, many of us find ourselves grilling several times a week. Here is a simple and delicious way to use the beets in your share box this week. This recipe was found on Allrecipes.com, shared by LWilcox45. Preparation time: 15 minutes Cook time: 35...